The PTA Needs Your Voice!
Help us shape the future of the PTA at Woodlawn

In an unprecedented year with many unexpected changes, the Woodlawn PTA is adapting and changing in order to support the Woodlawn School community.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the PTA launched an online fundraiser to help provide relief to Woodlawn families. We are now working to expand the Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund to provide support to our Woodlawn School community members and to lift each other up in this time.
While historically the PTA has not reflected the broader school community, this year we are inviting you to join us as we explore new ways to engage and empower families, to collect and distribute funds, and to better support all of our children.
We value your voice and want to hear from you! Find out more about us on this page, join us at the next meeting, and email us at WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com with your ideas, questions and areas of interest.
To echo Woodlawn’s unofficial motto, “You are welcome here. Our community is better with you in it.” We are so excited to make this school year great!
Join us at the next PTA meeting
PTA Meeting Schedule 2024
The PTA has general meetings this school year on September 26th, 2023, January 23rd 2024, and April 16th, 2024.
Tuesday from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
PTA Meeting Minutes
Click the arrow to the left of each date to open up the notes for that meeting. You can view the meeting slide presentation (if available) by clicking the link on the associated calendar card above.
6:00-7:30 pm
6:00-7:30 pm
Woodlawn Elementary PTA
10/20/21 General Meeting Minutes
- Welcome and introductions; overview of PTA Mission and Goals
- Principal’s Update – Andrea Porter Lopez
- Small Group Breakout Activity
- Opportunities to get involved
- Vote to confirm VP, Secretary & Co-Treasurer
- Treasurer’s Report, 2020- 2021 budget review
- Committee Updates:
- Fundraising
- Communications
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Staff Appreciation
- Merchandise
Welcome and introductions; overview of PTA Mission and Goals
- Board introductions – see slides at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1J_A3CbYSYrSnhxZcYQ5FK_PX-L_3gQPD3OjJrjH5Q30/edit?usp=sharing
- PTA Mission & Goals – see slides
- Some PTA activities in recent years:
- Community events
- Discretionary funds for teachers
- Community Resilience Fund
- Staff Resilience break room
Principal’s Update/ Q&A – Andrea Porter Lopez
- Covid tests: How long is turnaround on tests? Families receive test kits on Tuesdays, drop samples on Wednesdays, results should come within 48 hours via email. Results sent directly to parents, not to school.
- If families missed sign-up for Covid tests? Forms are available at every door.
- Do teachers & staff have option of participating in testing? Not through OHSU, but they have access to a separate program out of Corvallis.
- Are there staffing shortages? Yes, Woodlawn is short staffed and there are very few subs available. Andrea often has to sub in the classroom. It has been hectic.
- Outdoor eating. What is the plan now that weather is getting rainier? Possibility of tents? District is working on getting more tents. There aren’t enough for all schools. District is looking at permanent installation. Woodlawn still doesn’t have tents; none currently assigned to us. Andrea has some concerns about giving up space. Wherever tent goes, it would be permanent till the end of the year. If it went on the north playground, we would lose everything but the mini playground. Additional concerns about tents being a “community hazard” – possibility of vandalism, being used inappropriately, not being safe in extreme weather. School is working hard to make indoor lunch safe. VP Katherine Hu mentions HEPA air filters indoors, ample spacing, open windows, etc. Need to make sure the pros of getting a tent outweigh the cons. Lunch volunteers have been helpful.
- Check school’s Covid dashboard tomorrow – should be zeros across the board. We’re doing something right!
- How can parents help boost morale of staff right now? Teachers don’t need physical support right now, but need grace & space. Be thoughtful about our approach in seeking more information. Teachers are maxed out, dealing with new curriculum, plus students who haven’t sat in a classroom for more than a year. Give them grace, send positive notes. Teacher Resilience Room is a huge help.
- Can parents randomly bring pastries? Yes! Five/six dozen is enough to feed staff.
Small Group Breakout Activity
- Becky introduces Jamboard activity. See collaborative whiteboard at https://jamboard.google.com/d/1wX7g4jpiVzfvO0tWF56Mj6R67mE-6F874nKgAVMH0h4/edit?usp=sharing
- Great comments from participants. Becky will share Jamboard on FB & with Andrea.
Opportunities to get involved
- Volunteer interest survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeuV0YxOfC341MDc6EjD7zCctkdEYVzE3jTCd9A94XdqxiMKg/viewform
- Parents, grandparents, anyone interested helping should fill out survey. Board members will respond once you submit. For many volunteer positions, background check is required. Background check is only looking for violent crimes & other major concerns – low level criminal history should not impact ability to volunteer.
- Staying in touch & receiving info:
- Woodlawn newsletter (emailed every Wednesday)
- Automatic texts from school
- School & PTA Websites: https://www.pps.net/woodlawn / https://woodlawnwildcats.org/
- Facebook: PTA FB Page / Woodlawn Art Studio FB Page / Library FB Page / Woodlawn Community Facebook Group
- Twitter: @WoodlawnPPS
Vote to confirm VP, Secretary, Co-Treasurer
- Becky Hillary – VP – Confirmed
- Andy Furgeson – Secretary – Confirmed
- Herbrecia Williams Price – Co-Treasurer – Confirmed
Treasurer’s Report, 2020- 2021 budget review (Luretta T)
- Currently ~$6800 in Community Resilience Fund (to help families with rent, clothing, food, emergency funds). Link for Resilience Fund: https://woodlawn-806881.square.site/ Over $20K raised so far, $13K+ distributed to families.
- $2000 reserved for BIPOC staff development
- Beyond that ~$21,000 in the bank
Fundraising (Bethany W)
- Thanks to everyone who participated in Pie Sale. Raised over $1000. Stay tuned for pick-up instructions. Pick-ups will happen sometime on November 2 after school.
- Sticking with fundraisers we have done in the past, like revenue shares with restaurants. No one should feel pressure to eat out on those nights – we usually get a cut of the revenue no matter what, so it’s kind of “free money”
- Plant sale, Green Bean Books revenue share later in the year
Communications (Rachel W)
- Website has been recently rebuilt. Contains lots of info, pictures, links (like Inside Woodlawn documentary series), family directory
- Comms Committee works with Mary Evans to put updates in school newsletter
- Need help with graphic design (web & flyers), WordPress updates, photography, blog posts; always a lot to do. Contact Rachel Wiecking: rwiecking@gmail.com
- Also, sign up for PTA email list on homepage of website: https://woodlawnwildcats.org/
Volunteer Coordinator (Amy B)
- Amy couldn’t attend meeting, see “Opportunities to get involved” or slides for more info
- To join Volunteer Committee email Volunteer.WoodlawnPTA@gmail.com
Staff Appreciation (Bettina H-R)
- Staff Resilience Room is main project
- Shout-outs to main helper Jessica Jacobsen & former chair Becca Snyder
- Upcoming: feeding staff on teacher conference days, Mon & Tues, Nov 22-23. Look for Sign-up Genius reminder on feeding staff with baked goods, meals, treats & sweets.
- Andrea notes that conferences will likely be virtual and staff might be home on Nov 22 & 23. Nov 5 and/or 12 might be better. Andrea & Bettina will connect.
Merchandise (Tracy L)
- T-shirts available online & at PTA events. Kids t-shirts are $5 each, adult t-shirts are $10.
- Hoodies will be available for preorder soon. Will fulfill orders as soon as there are 25 orders on the list.
- Can order online – click SHOP button at woodlawnwildcats.org or go to https://woodlawn-806881.square.site/
Next General PTA Meeting on Wednesday, January 19, 6:00-7:30pm on Zoom
Woodlawn PTA
October 13, 2020
Virtual Meeting Minutes
Peak attendance 35 people
• Welcome and ice breaker
• SUN School
• Woodlawn Racial Justice Initiative
• Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund
• Woodlawn Family Directory
• 2020 – 2021 Budget
• PPS Bond Renewal Campaign
• Principal’s Update
If you’d like to stay informed about the PTA, please email to add your name to the PTA list. WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com We will send out reminders and updates about meetings, opportunities to volunteer and get involved, funders and events. We will also send out updates in the Wednesday newsletter.
(2) SUN School
Tianna Sly, the SUN School Manager at Woodlawn was unable to make it to tonight’s meeting but she wanted to let families know that SUN school registration is still open for 1st – 5th graders. October 12th – December 17th.
Check it out the SEI website to see the array of class options and to register (www.selfenhancement.org/sun2020). All the classes will be online, including activity kits and is a great opportunity for students to connect with other students. Information is also included in the Wednesday Newsletter from Mary Evans.
(3) Woodlawn Racial Justice Initiative
The PTA is committed to being part of a sustained and coordinated effort to support anti-racism and racial justice across the school community. We acknowledge that in the past the PTA has not been an inclusive and welcoming space for all families and are committed to changing the way we engage with the school community to ensure that all families and particularly BIPOC students are supported. We do not yet know what this will look like and recognize that we won’t be able to come up with any plan of action without more diverse perspectives in the conversation. Please let us know if you have a perspective or ideas to share or if you’d like to stay informed about this work, please email the PTA at: WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com
One way the PTA is working to improve is by strengthening our partnership with the SUN school to support the SUN program and to coordinate closely on events and activities. We will continue to share more about this partnership throughout the year.
[From Principal Andrea Porter Lopez] At the staff level the staff are working to integrate the “Teaching tolerance standards” into all classrooms. They are also putting together a reference library on racial justice for staff to use.
2nd Annual Fall Pie Fundraiser
The 2nd Annual Fall Pie Fundraiser is on now. Go to the Woodlawn PTA website https://woodlawnwildcats.org/ to order your pies online. All the pies come frozen, and are sold at or below cost with a more extensive variety than you would find at Whole Foods or New Seasons. Orders are due by this Friday, October 16th. The pies will be available to pick up at Woodlawn school at pre-set times on October 30th.
All proceeds of the pie sales will go towards the Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund
(4)Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund
This spring, the PTA raised $3,600 to support families who were economically impacted by the COVID-19 shut down. The fund was managed by Mary Evans and Tianna Sly who worked hard over the summer to connect families to resources. The funds raised were used to gift/gas cards for families and to purchase food and household items to add to the food pantry which were collected and stored in a storage pod.
We expect that needs for rent and utility assistance will increase as we get further into the pandemic the mortarium on rent are lifted.
This fall, the PTA is continuing this effort, which we are now calling the Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund. Our goal is to raise close to $6,000 this year, to support families in need.
(5) Woodlawn Family Directory
The PTA is putting together a family directory in English and in Spanish for Woodlawn School, to help families connect while students are not physically at school. We are collecting names and emails and the directory will be password protected. If you have not already, please visit the new Woodlawn PTA website https://woodlawnwildcats.org/family-directory and follow the link to fill out the Google Form.
First deadline to add your name to the directory is October 18th but you can add your name anytime.
The first publication of the Directory will go live online by October 30th.
(6) 2020-21 Budget
Fundraising goal is $13,533 (This includes the fundraising for the Family Resilience Fund and the Spring Plant Sale)
Projected expenses are $23,488
If the current proposed budget is approved, we would end the 2021 year with $11,803, which includes the carryover and bank balance from last year.
A few things to note:
In 2019-20 the PTA contributed more funds than originally budgeted to support the 5th grade graduation (memory books and tee shirts) to make sure that the outgoing class was celebrated during the COVDI-19 shut down. We may want to consider adding more to this item if the circumstances are the same this year.
A new expense this year is for professional website hosting, which was needed to upgrade and maintain the new site.
There are many line items for events and activities that are still unknown and there is likely to be some shifting of priorities as the year goes on. We plan to keep them in the budget for now until there is more clarity for how the rest of the year will go.
The proposed 2020-21 budget was unanimously approved by the PTA.
(7) PPS Bond Renewal Campaign
The Portland Public Schools Board of Education has referred a proposed 2020 School Bond to voters, Measure 26-215. If approved by voters on November 3, the proposed 2020 School Bond would fund health and safety projects in schools across the school district, replace textbooks and technology equipment districtwide, update curriculum, modernize Jefferson High School, master plan additional neighborhood school projects, complete Benson Polytechnic High School, continue design and planning to modernize Cleveland and Wilson High Schools and create a Center for Black Student Excellence within PPS. The bond will maintain the existing bond rate, so there will be no increase in taxes.
Steph Routh from the Yes for PDX Schools presented information at the meeting
The Woodlawn PTA approved the motion to endorse the School Measure 26-215. To get donate or volunteer for the campaign or download and color a window sign visit http://yespdxschools.com. Become a lawn sign captain and/or deliver lawn signs – http://yespdxschools.com/lawnsign/.
Principals’ Updates
Back to School Night – Live Q&A Session on Wednesday 10/14. Video links are posted on the home page tab.
Introduction and welcome to Katherine Hu, Woodlawn’s new Vice Principal!!!
Construction Updates – (paid for from the 2016/17 School Bond Measures)
• 1st floor roofs are being replaced including 3 portable buildings. Sections were replaced and patched on the second floor roofs.
• ADA upgrades
• Handrails in stairwells
• Replaced ADA accessible handles for sinks on the 1st floor
• Security upgrades
• 3 video cameras at different doorways, with ability to see and communicate with the person buzzing 2 of the 3 doors.
• PA systems now cover all the quiet spaces – hallways, cafeteria, gym, stairwells, etc.
Staffing –
• Ms. Tessma, new ½ time counselor (funded through • Every Student Succeeds)
• Mr. Duff, new music teacher
• Ms. Escovedo, new 2nd teacher
• Teacher Anne – previously pre-K at Woodlawn, moved into the 2nd Grade position
Some of the classified staff are temporarily reassigned to other program (ex. Paraeducator – reassigned to support middle/high school)
Classified staff still need materials (stable internet, chromebooks, white boards, headsets with a speaker, etc.) for the home setting, so they can connect with students and families directly. Some of these items may be covered by the school budget, but there may be a request to the PTA to help fill some of these needs.
Kindergarteners and their teachers are getting matching tee shirts – to help create more spirit and connection.
Woodlawn has signed up for virtual fieldtrips through OMSI Plantetary related, possibly before winter break (Thanks Becky Hilary)
The staff are still grappling with the day-to-day. Teachers are at an overload point right now, so they are holding off on any mid-long range planning. Parents are welcome to organize activities.
Enrollment is stable with over 90% contact with students.
The majority of the curriculum (posted in Seasaw) follows the districts scope and sequence. Some teachers are modifying activities so that the content is the same but to make it more age appropriate.
Woodlawn Wildcats Merchandise
You can now visit the PTA’s newly revamped website to purchase Woodlawn Wildcats Merchandise. We have kids tees, some adult tees and Black Lives Matter tees. All the inventory is listed on the website. If you have placed an order, Tracy Little will bag up and distribute the tee shirts 1x week. Tracy is happy to answer any question through the Square site. (Go to woodlawnwildcats.org and click Shop, or link directly to the store here: https://woodlawn-806881.square.site/)
Please let the PTA know if you have suggestions for what the PTA should be doing differently this year. We are open to your thoughts and ideas! WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com. Thank you and goodnight.
See Chat recording below
Chat recording:
18:06:54 From Priscilla Hunter : Can you send it again i’m not seeing it..
18:06:58 From Priscilla Hunter : The agenda
18:07:13 From Laura Koch To Amy Fauver(privately) : Yes, I do have it
18:07:20 From Laura Koch To Amy Fauver(privately) : Did you want to share it?
18:07:23 From Rachel Wiecking : It’s right there above your comment 🙂
18:07:37 From Anne Williamson : I teach second grade this year: Pre-K for the past 3 years.
18:07:43 From Rachel Elder : Parent of a 4th grader
18:07:46 From Bethany W (she/hers) : i don’t see the agenda either 😉
18:07:46 From denawhipple : My daughter, Emily, is in Mr. Shipe’s 5th grade class.
18:07:47 From Priscilla Hunter : 1st grade: Mr. Clegg
18:07:50 From amy boucher : agenda not visible to all of us then.
18:07:51 From Andy Furgeson : Lewis E-F, 1st grade, Mr. Lowery’s class
18:07:51 From Jewel Miller : My daughter Scout is in 2nd grade in Ms Petersen’s class.
18:07:52 From Jocelyn Beh : 3rd grader Henry in Mrs. Howard’s class and 1st grader Abby in Mr. Clegg’s class
18:07:53 From Rachel Wiecking : Parent of 2 first graders
18:08:02 From Megan Lewis : Parent of a first grader
18:08:03 From christina albo (she/her) : Christina albo – mom of Fiona in 4th grade – Ms O’s class
18:08:05 From noahjacobson : Hello! I’m Jessica. I have 2 kiddos in 1st grade and a 4th grader
18:08:07 From Laura Koch : 1st grader
18:08:09 From Laura Burrus : Hello, I have three kids at Woodlawn. Ada is in Mr. Ransom’s 3rd grade and Everett and Miles are in Ms. Flores Kindergarten
18:08:13 From Andrea Porter-Lopez : Hi Everyone! I’m Andrea, the school principal
18:08:14 From Eleanor : Hello! I have two kids at Woodlawn, Eleanor in 3rd grade with Ms. Howard and June in kindergarten with Ms. Flores
18:08:15 From Belle Cantor : 3rd grade: Mr. Ransom
18:08:20 From Katherine Hu : Hi! I’m new! I’m the new assistant principal. Excited to be here!
18:08:21 From Clifton Chestnut : Parent of Santiago, 3rd grader (Mr Ransom)
18:08:26 From Tracy Little : Tracy Little, parent of 4th grader Daniel
18:08:26 From Luis : im stilos father my boy is in kindergardon hes in mr.garza class
18:08:27 From amy boucher : K- Barney, garza 3rd- Mae, ransom
scrolled to the top and not seeing it.
18:08:32 From Mary Cadien : 2nd (Escovedo) and 3rd grade (Howard).
18:08:33 From Bethany W (she/hers) : Daughter Eleanor 2nd grade Teacher Anne
18:08:41 From Priscilla Hunter : Oh.. and kindergartner in Ms. Flores.. Lol
18:08:51 From Becca Snyder : My son Elias is in 3rd in Ms. Howards class (7th grade daughter graduated from Woodlawn 2 years ago)
18:09:01 From Tinnon2 : Mrs T here
18:09:02 From Rachel Wiecking : A first grader in Mr. Lowery’s and a first grader in Mr. Clegg’s
18:09:51 From Eleanor : Amber Christopher
18:09:52 From Amy Fauver : WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com
18:10:06 From Laura Koch : Here’s the agenda again: Welcome and ice breaker
SUN School
Woodlawn Racial Justice Initiative
Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund 2. Overview of spring/summer efforts
Woodlawn Family Directory
2020 – 2021 Budget
PPS Bond Renewal Campaign
Principal’s Update
18:15:06 From Amy Fauver : Here’s the link to the SUN School registration page: www.selfenhancement.org/sun2020
18:15:13 From Amy Fauver : www.selfenhancement.org/sun2020
18:17:31 From Jewel Miller : I saw Mrs. T here
18:18:27 From christina albo (she/her) : awesome on racial justice work – curious if you have had feedback from BIPOC staff/families of color, and what that feedback is/was?
18:18:34 From Bethany W (she/hers) : Mr.s T is on but she has a bad ear infection and having a hard time hearing!
18:18:58 From Jewel Miller : oh no, I hope you feel better soon Luretta!
18:19:09 From Mary Cadien : she is on this chat though just no ears.
18:19:12 From Eleanor : Oh no feel better Mrs. T!
18:21:07 From Tinnon2 : I’m reading the chat.
18:21:43 From amy boucher : I think work around housing could be important. getting families into the neighborhood, keeping families here. I have a relator friend who’s kids go to Scott; she has a lot of resources I can connect the workgroup with.
18:23:07 From Tinnon2 : Great Idea Amy!
18:23:29 From Belle Cantor : There was an active Families group a couple years ago, is it still active?
18:24:59 From Mary Cadien : not that I know of.
18:28:23 From Tinnon2 : Bethany and I?
18:30:37 From Rachel Elder : Thank you so much for all your hard work!!!
18:31:15 From Laura Koch : Applause to you and your family Luretta!
18:31:15 From Mo-Mo’s little friend : 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
18:31:16 From Eleanor : Yay Luretta! We love and appreciate you so much!
18:31:28 From christina albo (she/her) : thank you tianna, Mary and Lurretta!
18:32:49 From Megan Lewis : Have we looked into creating a crowdfunding page?
18:33:19 From Megan Lewis : If we haven’t, I would be happy to help set that up if it’s of interest
18:33:21 From Tinnon2 : #wildcatstrong #together #onefamily #onecommunity
18:33:51 From Jewel Miller : they take 3% usually
18:33:52 From Megan Lewis : That’s true, but they help you raise a lot more
18:34:10 From Megan Lewis : Sure thing
18:34:43 From Bethany W (she/hers) : if we are getting other donations through Square they take a percentage also
18:35:45 From Mary Cadien : the pies are so so so good.
18:36:03 From Rachel Wiecking : http://woodlawnwildcats.org
18:36:04 From amy boucher : friday by 5😀
18:36:14 From amy boucher : frozen fruit too
18:36:42 From Rachel Wiecking : https://woodlawnwildcats.org/ and click on SHOP in the main menu
18:36:46 From amy boucher : encourage neighbors!
18:38:12 From Rachel Wiecking : Direct to pie buy: https://woodlawn-806881.square.site/pie-sale#XrgWBH
18:38:25 From Lauren Funk : to clarify, do all of the pie fundraising dollars go to the covid resilience program?
18:39:06 From Lauren Funk : thank you
18:40:22 From amy boucher : normally our PTA funds go to things like field trips, supplying the teachers, unpaid lunch debt, and at-achool event nights. so very little is being diverted from an established need or allocated funds.
18:40:32 From Bethany W (she/hers) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MnnJdLiSApJkgbBpJ1dmRVrlitxBIl5eDd6X3y_VkYg/edit
18:41:50 From Andy Furgeson : Bethany, I think this link is in edit mode or something… I’m not able to enter answers. But I might be doing it wrong!
18:42:17 From denawhipple : Is there a flyer about the directory that’s being distributed at lunch and/or library book pick up?
18:42:20 From Bethany W (she/hers) : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeE7LwtbD-QliucC7mAYsO7Jqj9uQaume3NM3LFbG91utCz-A/viewform?usp=sf_link
18:44:08 From Jewel Miller : that is correct, Bethany.
18:44:17 From Megan Lewis : Sorry to circle back but I just had another thought about crowdfunding… I wonder whether our KGW reporter would be willing to share? And/or we could add links on all the YouTube pages of the KGW videos! We can talk about this later – just wanted to get this idea out before it left my overloaded brain!
18:44:42 From Becca Snyder : Great idea Megan!
18:44:57 From Jewel Miller : I like that idea
18:45:19 From Jocelyn Beh : I didn’t know we could reach out to other families in our classes through Remind. Thanks for the tip!
18:45:49 From James Riddle : pitch to the KGW team a story about the resilience fund and why it’s important for the WES population
18:46:11 From Rachel Wiecking : Good ideas!
18:46:34 From Laura Koch To Amy Fauver(privately) : Steph from the campaign just joined
18:46:34 From Bethany W (she/hers) : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bEX0dDRjfoVZoKpMNUKSNzuas9v9m–5/view
18:46:49 From Amy Fauver To Laura Koch(privately) : great. Thanks. I was just looking for her.
18:46:59 From Amy Fauver To Laura Koch(privately) : I had told her 7:00 so that should be perfect
18:47:01 From Clifton Chestnut : Good idea on KGW. Reporters are careful about “promoting” issues but since she’s spent so much time at the school perhaps they’d be willing to share.
18:52:52 From amy boucher : I have to go- is there a place where we can access this budget sheet?
18:53:11 From Amy Fauver : Bethany put a link in the chat above
18:53:27 From amy boucher : oops, missed that, thanks
18:54:45 From Jewel Miller : if we drop the license expense, could we pay it in the spring if we need it?
18:54:54 From amy boucher : film screening : campfire was doing film events. if we keep up with restaurant profit share nights we it could take care of it
18:55:01 From denawhipple : It’s an annual license.
18:55:04 From amy boucher : it also goes to educational movies
18:55:31 From Becca Snyder : used for classrooms and PTA movie nights
18:55:37 From denawhipple : It’s not just for PTA movie nights, it’s because staff would use the license to cover in-class movies that were shown as rewards
18:55:50 From denawhipple : no harm in letting it lapse, since it won’t be used
18:56:42 From James Riddle : budget side note: if anyone works for a company that matches charitable giving… check to see if there is any registration needed. the PTA got registered with the giving contractor my company uses (Benevity, used by othe companies, too). b/c of covid disruptions right now my company is double matching.
18:56:47 From Tinnon2 : Yes. Thank you Andrea.
18:56:49 From amy boucher : can we also talk to the company that offers it? a lot of places have concessions for covid activity
18:57:42 From Jewel Miller : I think we should expand the graduation budget. if we don’t use it, better to have the rollover.
18:57:58 From amy boucher : really liking the square space for fundraising. family out of town go to the site and have an option just to give
18:58:37 From amy boucher : also I know it doesn’t go to pta, but Run for Woodlawn happening in some capacity? do we need to support our arts And PE otherwise?
18:59:00 From denawhipple : What did the graduation $ fund last year?
18:59:50 From Bethany W (she/hers) : Graduation last year – I think we gave money for the signs that they had in front of the school and for yearbooks. Maybe also t-shirts
18:59:55 From denawhipple : spring, sorry
19:00:32 From Tinnon2 : Memory books and Tees
19:00:51 From Bettina : it was all really sweet and appreciated
19:00:58 From amy boucher : thanks everyone. Heading out. please contact me with any pie fundraising questions And please buy your pies tonight!
19:01:08 From Amy Fauver : Thanks, Amy!
19:02:03 From Andrea Porter-Lopez : I motion to approve the budget
19:02:08 From Christopher Ransom : here here
19:02:14 From Tinnon2 : yay
19:02:28 From christina albo (she/her) : approve
19:02:29 From Megan Lewis : yay
19:02:32 From Jocelyn Beh : aye
19:02:33 From Rachel Wiecking : aye
19:02:34 From James Riddle : aye
19:02:34 From Rachel Elder : aye
19:02:35 From Mary Cadien : yes please
19:02:35 From Jewel Miller : Aye!
19:02:36 From Bettina : hi
19:02:37 From Becca Snyder : aye
19:02:37 From Andrea Porter-Lopez : yes
19:02:39 From brenda : yay!
19:02:42 From denawhipple : aye
19:02:53 From Rachel Wiecking : Yay!
19:03:59 From Christopher Ransom : Time for me to slip away from the computer for the night. Thanks for all you do for Woodlawn!
19:05:00 From Amy Fauver : Thanks for coming!
19:05:30 From Anne Williamson : I have to leave as well. So nice to see all your faces! Thanks for all you do!
19:05:40 From Amy Fauver : Thanks so much for coming!
19:06:46 From Mary Cadien : We miss you teacher Anne!
19:06:51 From Becca Snyder : Thanks STAFF for being on!!!
19:07:34 From Steph, Yes for PDX Schools : Textbank and phonebank – http://yespdxschools.com/volunteer/
Become a lawn sign captain and/or deliver lawn signs – http://yespdxschools.com/lawnsign/
19:10:44 From Jewel Miller : Will notes be sent out with these links too?
19:10:50 From Laura Koch : Yes
19:11:09 From Laura Burrus : Amy – I would like a sign if you have extras
19:11:30 From Laura Koch : And yes – we will also send notes out with links
19:12:08 From Laura Koch : I motion that our PTA endorse this campaign
19:12:10 From James Riddle : second
19:12:16 From Eleanor : third
19:12:25 From Bethany W (she/hers) : aye
19:12:26 From James Riddle : aye
19:12:27 From Jocelyn Beh : aye
19:12:28 From Jewel Miller : aye
19:12:31 From Rebecca Hillary : Yes
19:12:31 From Mary Cadien : aye
19:12:32 From Trista Page : IIIII
19:12:35 From Tracy Little : aye
19:12:37 From Tinnon2 : Aye
19:12:39 From Priscilla Hunter : aye
19:12:56 From Steph, Yes for PDX Schools : And if you want to download and color a window sign, here they are: Download, color, and post a coloring page for Portland schools – http://yespdxschools.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/YES.PDX_.Schools_Coloring_Sheets.pdf
19:13:02 From Tracy Little : Thank you Steph!
19:13:15 From Laura Koch : Thanks Steph!
19:13:50 From Amy Fauver : Thanks so much, Steph!
19:14:26 From Amy Fauver : Laura Burris: Will you email me your address? I’ll drop off a sign: amyfauver@gmail.com
19:14:55 From Mary Cadien : I’d love one also Amy
19:15:16 From Amy Fauver : I’ll plant one in your yard, Mary!
19:16:51 From Laura Burrus : Amy F -I emailed you my address. Thanks.
19:16:54 From Amy Fauver : Welcome, Katherine!
19:18:19 From Mary Cadien : Welcome! It’s nice to see your face.
19:18:22 From Clifton Chestnut : Welcome!
19:18:34 From christina albo (she/her) : welcome!
19:19:52 From christina albo (she/her) : ❤️ ADA upgrades
19:20:26 From Tracy Little : Amy- If we have a couple mins at end I’d like to make a couple of notes about the new online store.
19:21:55 From Amy Fauver : Tracy – We have time for committee chairs to give short overviews after Andrea is done.
19:22:09 From Clifton Chestnut : Have a great night, everyone.
19:22:17 From Laura Koch : Thanks for coming!
19:22:21 From Amy Fauver : Thanks for coming, Clifton!
19:22:22 From Mary Cadien : thanks for coming!
19:24:57 From brenda : I might have to step off early… In that case, I’m Brenda Steurer the mom of 3 boys, 2 which are Woodlawn Wildcats. Casper is in 2nd grade with Ms Petersen and Cy is in Kindergarten with Mr. Garza. I am also the co-chair with Trista Page on the Staff Appreciation board. Please reach out to me if you have some ideas for showing our gratitude to our Woodlawn staff! brendoula3@gmail.com
19:26:06 From Mary Cadien : this is why I am in my closet
19:26:10 From Amy Fauver : Thanks, Trista!
19:26:19 From Amy Fauver : Oops, I meant Brenda!! 🙂
19:28:23 From Becca Snyder : What are classified staff helping with for virtual school?
19:29:23 From Amy Fauver : I heard that food services ran out of food for families wanting it. Has that been solved?
19:30:32 From Rachel Wiecking : Woodlawnwildcats.org
19:30:54 From Rachel Wiecking : https://woodlawnwildcats.org/
19:31:06 From Amy Fauver : We would love to hear everyone’s idea for how to build community when we can’t be together.
19:31:52 From Laura Koch : Buddy system – to pair a family new to Woodlawn with a family that’s been at the school
19:31:55 From James Riddle : please let us know if there’s anything other parents can do to help welcome the new KG families.
19:32:12 From Bethany W (she/hers) : how is the food pantry going to be operating?
19:32:21 From Rebecca Hillary : Andrea, You can mention the OMSI event.
19:32:28 From Mary Cadien : Maybe revive the Woodlawn Ambassador program
19:32:47 From Amy Fauver : I love the buddy system idea. What was the Ambassador program?
19:33:04 From James Riddle : car parade for staff and older student to parade for new K fams?
19:33:32 From Becca Snyder : love these ideas
19:33:47 From Mary Cadien : I don’t think it came to fruition but was volunteers of seasoned Woodlawn families who would connect with families in a buddy type system.
19:33:56 From Mary Cadien : Yay!!!
19:34:20 From Megan Lewis : Great job, Becky!
19:35:03 From Becca Snyder : Will the food pantry be inside at Woodlawn?
19:35:26 From Jocelyn Beh : Andrea, how are we doing as a school in terms of participation? Is our enrollment stable from last year or did we lose families? Have staff been able to be in contact with all enrolled families? Is there anything we can do to support outreach?
19:36:30 From James Riddle : parents would be great.
19:36:41 From James Riddle : …if enough singed up.
19:37:18 From Amy Fauver : Thanks so much to everyone for coming tonight. I look forward to meeting many of you in person soon! I have to go for a family event but Mary is going to close out the meeting.
19:39:17 From Rebecca Hillary : Thank you, all. I promised by 3rd grader a game of chess before bed. 🙂
19:39:36 From Mary Cadien : Thanks for leading the meeting and all your hard work Amy
19:40:12 From Bethany W (she/hers) : thank you for joining us Andrea and Katherine!
19:40:20 From Laura Koch : Thank you Andrea!
19:40:46 From Becca Snyder : Thanks for the update Andrea and being here Katherine!
19:42:36 From Rachel Elder : Do you need volunteers to help with delivery?
19:42:57 From Tinnon2 : Thank you all for the well wishes!
19:42:59 From Bethany W (she/hers) : Andrea will you be able to put in a plug for the pie sale at back to school night?
19:43:30 From Andrea Porter-Lopez : I will try… to remember…
19:43:53 From Bethany W (she/hers) : I will ask you in Q&A…where can I get delicious pie and support the PTA!
19:44:05 From Jewel Miller : Thank you all!
19:44:07 From Andrea Porter-Lopez : sweet!
19:44:10 From Bettina : thank you all! nice to see you
19:44:14 From denawhipple : Thank you! 🙂
19:44:20 From Eleanor : Thanks so much for all your hard work board members and Woodlawn staff! We appreciate you so much!
19:44:24 From Jocelyn Beh : Thanks all! Nice to see you.
19:44:25 From Mo-Mo’s little friend : 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
19:44:29 From Trista Page : Thank you!
19:44:33 From Megan Lewis : Thank you!
19:44:35 From Andy Furgeson : Thanks PTA leaders!!
19:44:37 From Laura Burrus : Thanks!
19:44:45 From Becca Snyder : I appreciated all this info!!!
19:44:59 From James Riddle : thx leadership! that went as well as any zoom mtgs I’ve been on lately 🙂
19:45:02 From Mary Cadien : Thanks so much for all of you for spending all this time online after a day of being online.
19:45:09 From Tinnon2 : Good night all.
We’re no longer posting written minutes. In future months you can find the link to the meeting slide deck on the calendar card above.
Woodlawn PTA Meeting Notes
December 8, 2020
Peak attendance: 16
Principal Update – Andrea Porter-Lopez
Not too many updates, the staff is just trying to get better at what they are doing
OMSI – Friday Virtual fieldtrips (Stars/Astro-biology)
A virtual Hip Hop Nutcracker is being offered this week through every students’ classroom (links available to teachers only).
Staff Appreciation Week
December 7 – 11
$25 Gift Certificates were purchased by the PTA for all Woodlawn Staff and cards will be mailed (with the gift cards) on Wednesday
Students are encouraged to send personal notes this week.
Make a special video through Seesaw
Send an electronic gift card via email (Benefit app instructions in next slide)
Send an email to your teachers and other staff members. Staff emails can be found at https://www.pps.net/domain/950
Send a written message via Remind or Seesaw
Draw a picture and send it electronically via Seesaw
Mail – You are welcome to send letters to the school mailing address. Mail is checked every few weeks.
Drop off – Please call ahead, Andrea and Katherine are often in the building in the mornings.
How are staff doing?
Staff morale is lower than it has been and lower than it would be if staff were in person.
Staff are struggling with the same issues that families are struggling with (connectivity issues, kids being sick, time management, etc.). Staff also have added pressure because they know they are being seen and often judged by families who are nearby during virtual learning time.
Online learning is very taxing for staff. They are putting in 10 hour days which is not necessarily unusual, but the ratio of prep time for 2.5-3 hours of contact time is notable. Many of the tools and techniques they would typically use to build relationships with students are not possible online.
Student attendance and student engagement have also been down since fall conferences.
What parents/families can do to support staff:
Make sure your student is ready for class
Communicate with teachers about absences, just as you would if school were in person
Send individual messages to teachers.
Andrea anticipates PPS will continue online through Q3.
Library Books
Library books can be returned. Call the school in advance for a morning drop off. Book distribution is on hold for now.
Mural Project – suggestion from parent, Neal Armstrong
Neal proposed a community mural project to help build community during these trying times. If there was interest, Neal offered to manage the project and coordinate with the Regional Arts and Culture Council. RACC has a network of community organizers and artists who are trained in community murals and could potentially lead the design process.
Suggested locations – PPS will not allow murals on school buildings, but it could be done on a portable, a retaining wall, or a fence (like Owls @ Vernon)
Parents at the meeting voiced they would like to see a mural tied to the neighborhood history
Next steps – Neal will write up a short summary of the proposed project. Amy will touch base with PTA Board next week about this idea and see how it might align with other priorities and fundraising activities.
Fundraising Update
Green Bean fundraiser – we are still waiting to hear how much we raised, but we do know that most of the wish lists that teachers submitted were fulfilled, which is great news.
Pie Sales – raised between $800-900 (still working to sort the transactions in November). All proceeds of this sale will go towards the Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund.
Woodlawn Family Resilience Fund
Current balance – Approximately $1300
Some of the resilience funds were used this month to support a family in need of housing stability. The PTA agreed to promote an end-of-year campaign (through social media and newsletter) to raise more funds for upcoming needs. The PTA agreed it would be great to promote small donations $5, $10 – so it is accessible for anybody to contribute.
Request for additional support for families during the holiday
Andrea is working closely with Mary Evans and Tianna Sly to help fill holiday wish lists for families who are struggling to make ends meet this season. This year, the number of families on the list are more than double what it has been in past years – and the needs are great. If you are interested in purchasing gifts or gift cards, please reach out to Andrea, Mary or Tianna for more specific requests. Gift cards (Target, Fred Meyer) and other contributions are needed by Wednesday 12/16.
PTA Standing Rules
The Woodlawn PTA is part of the Oregon PTA and every year we have to go through a process to be a “unit in good standing”. We are required to submit our annual approved budget, end of year financial statement, proof of insurance for officers (as a 501c3 nonprofit) and another items.
The Woodlawn PTA does not require dues, since we do not want dues to be a barrier to participation. Several board members have already paid their $10 dues this year. Others are welcome to pay dues if they are interested. (see Oregon PTA website).
Historically, we have had fairly low level of engagement with the Oregon PTA but we do try to keep in good standing.
Amy updated the standing rules with the new committees, but otherwise they are the same as they have been for many years. Meg Busse will be removed as co-president. She is still involved in the PTA but can’t make the Tuesday meetings and is no longer serving as co-president.
There was a movement to adopt the standing rules for this year (Bethany). Luretta seconded the motion. Unanimous support for the motion. The PTA approved the standing rules for this year.
Woodlawn PTA
Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2021
Peak attendance 24
Opening Welcome – Amy Fauver
Principal’s Update – Andrea Porter-Lopez
(1) New Materials from PPS will be distributed next week
Tuesday through Friday (1/19-22) from 8:00-4:00pm
Includes PE, art, math manipulatives, Audubon materials for 2nd graders)
Details in Wednesday newsletter
(2) PPS – Announcing plans for limited in-person learning
Any school-based instruction will be voluntary (for teachers and students) and will be supplemental enrichment – not to replace the virtual instruction. The plans are rolling out slowly and will be school by school.
Examples include: very small groups for reading support or special projects.
Principal Lopez will be sending out a parent survey next week to gauge the level of interest from families in sending students back to school for this supplemental learning.
(3) Woodlawn Kindness Wall – new site to appreciate teachers/students.
Resources for parents/teachers – How to talk about the violence in the U.S. capital
(4) “No Place for Hate” Black Lives Matter Car Parade – February 5th
Starting from Woodlawn Elementary at 10:00
Maps/Promotion will be shared with neighborhood associations, businesses along MLK, Woodlawn BuyNothing & Woodlawn NextDoor groups
If you want to participate, meet at the school to decorate your cars and make posters. The entire route should take about 1 hour.
PTA will support by providing BLM tee shirts for 5th graders and funding to purchase supplies for decorating cars, etc.
(5) Other questions/discussion
The PTA is in conversation with the school staff to support the 5th grade graduation again this year. Any/all suggestions are welcome for how to make this year special for the outgoing class.
The roof construction has not been finalized. The crew is still finding leaks and having to troubleshoot.
Woodlawn Virtual History Event – Laura Koch
Proposed date, Saturday 2/20 from 5:00-6:15 pm
-Neighborhood historian Anjala Ehelebe have been secured as speakers/presenters
-We will also include a short intermission to fundraise for the Woodlawn Resilience Fund. Megan Lewis is reaching out to KGW to see if they can create a short video from the “Inside Woodlawn” footage to feature
-The program is still being developed, suggestions welcome.
-The PTA will pay the speakers an honorarium for their time
-Several parents gave suggestions for other teachers, former students and neighbors who have stories to share.
Fundraising Update – Bethany Wofford
-The PTA will make sure there is an option for a recurring donation on Woodlawn Community Resilience fundraising page.
-PTA received a $5,000 donation from a philanthropist in California who followed the KGW Inside Woodlawn segment. The funds are earmarked to support the Community Resilience Fund and to provide additional resources for teachers of color. Ms. Lopez has been in touch with them and there is a possibility for ongoing/future support.
-“Por Que No” Benefit – on February 3rd . 10% of their sales for take-out.
-Spring Plant Sale is happening. The date and details to come.
Racial Justice Initiative – Laura Koch
A survey will go out in the Wednesday newsletter 1/13 to gauge interest from parents in a virtual learning group about racial justice in schools. Based on the feedback we will decide on a format/structure.
We are hoping to convene the first session in early February.
Direct link to the survey here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYT8gymMN_71DWpdpc5MsEe8oCNMyF9RqDNqUdMNRtIupIVQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Woodlawn PTA
Meeting Notes
February 9, 2021
Peak attendance: 18
Update from the Principal – Andrea Porter-Lopez
- LIPI is short for “Limited In Person Instruction”.
- It involves bringing a small number of students into the building who need targeted academic or social-emotional support.
- When a school district is in Comprehensive Distance Learning (“CDL”), LIPI includes any live interaction between school personnel and students, whether this is inside or outside a building.
- LIPI is not intended to replace CDL. It is a supplemental program to support current CDL instruction.
- LIPI will not change CDL provided instruction for the teachers or the students.
- Woodlawn will host LIPI for volunteer first and second graders whose parents indicated that support with completing asynchronous assignments would be helpful.
- Woodlawn used a family survey to gather the names of families who volunteered to participate. From that list, we are directly contacting families to explain our program and answer questions.
- No teacher can have a cohort of more than 20 students (given classroom size at Woodlawn, each teacher who has opted in to provide in-person instruction will see up to 10 students at time)
- All students and staff are required to wear masks while in the building.
- There will be a designated ‘Symptom Space’ for students who arrive and show any signs of illness until they can be picked up by parents.
- LIPI will take place from 1:30-3:00 M-W-TH with groups of up to 10 students. (each group of up to 10 students will remain the same and be with the same teacher for the duration of LIPI, that is, groups will not mix with other groups and students will not be added mid-session).
- There may be itinerant teachers scheduled to visit the classroom. Classroom occupancy will accommodate these visits.
- Bussing is being considered for families who cannot provide transportation during the day for LIPI identified students.
- Teachers will opt-in to teach the LIPI cohorts. It is entirely volunteer based and no teachers will be required to teach LIPI.
- Teachers will provide LIPI in addition to their regular CDL responsibilities.
- Because it is on an opt-in basis for students and staff , the LIPI teacher may or may not be your child’s classroom teacher. Teachers can also choose to opt out after LIPI has started if they do not feel the environment is safe.
- Students will be in mixed cohorts with students from several classrooms, grades 1-2. (School staff are discussing adding siblings in grades 3-5)
- School staff will be starting our LIPI cohorts at 8-10 students per class, with 2 classes for the first session.
- Woodlawn is currently working on a plan to present to Portland Public Schools (“PPS”) regarding LIPI. PPS has to approve our implementation plan.
- The target start date for LIPI at Woodlawn is March 1st, 2021.
- Throughout the pandemic, PPS has always been allowed to provide LIPI under the Oregon Department of Education (“ODE”) guidelines. LIPI is not based on any state metrics, but does have to follow all safety guidelines as designated by ODE.
- PPS and the Portland Association of Teachers (the teachers’ union) have recently reached an agreement regarding providing LIPI services at PPS schools.
- Schools will be staggered for beginning LIPI services, starting with designated buildings. Woodlawn is not one of the designated schools to start providing LIPI services in the first round. Woodlawn is in Phase 2, so there are 16 schools currently up and running with LIPI services.
- Support for emotional learning is likely to be delivered in a format that will be more like a community meeting in the classroom.
- Woodlawn staff are going to call a list of first and second graders’ families and explain the program and see what families are considering participation once the program starts. This is just one session that is 3 weeks long, three days per week, that will take place before spring break .
- Once that session begins, those cohorts will stay intact and no additional students will be added to them.
- The decision on whether to add another session of limited in person instruction after spring break is being discussed at the PPS board meeting tonight. Look in your email tomorrow for communication from PPS about what they’re thinking going forward. This will depend on the district and if there are more teachers and students who are willing to participate.
- SUN and Campfire will not be back in person and we will not have another program on campus at this time. Child care is available at some other sites, just not at Woodlawn.
- Ms. Lopez says that her best guess for fall learning is that however learning is occuring in the spring is how school will start in the fall. Unless Woodlawn does not start a hybrid learning program in the spring, Woodlawn will most likely start with a hybrid learning program in the fall, with the option for families to remain in comprehensive distance learning. She does not believe that students will be completely back to learning full time in classrooms in the fall.
Hybrid Instruction for Q4 (see full message from PPS sent on 2/10 for details)
- The message that was delivered in the middle of January is that the district is looking to move towards hybrid instruction for quarter 4, which starts the second week of April. The board is considering tonight what that model could look like, when it would start, which grade levels would be included, all of which is contingent upon bargaining with the teachers union as well.
- If Woodlawn begins a hybrid learning program, the entire class is invited to participate, with the students’ classroom teacher splitting morning and afternoon sessions.
For additional questions and comments that arise following this presentation, please email the principal, Andrea Porter-Lopez, at aporter@pps.net
PTA Fundraising Updates – Rachel Wiecking
Por Que No Fundraiser – The Woodlawn PTA will receive $300, which was the max/cap from Por Que No. Thanks to everyone who ordered take out that night to contribute to the success of this fundraiser!
Event Updates:
Woodlawn History Event – Laura Koch
Join us for a free, virtual event on Saturday, February 20th from 5:00-6:15 pm
We have a confirmed list of storytellers including two Woodlawn teachers Mr. Clegg, Mr. Lowery. We will also be joined by Mr. Ancer Haggerty and Mr. Tom Phillip who both attended Woodlawn in the 1950’s and have been friends for over 70 years, as well as Ms. Anjala Ehelebe, who is a Woodlawn neighborhood historian. The link to join this event is on the PTA website (www.woodlawnwildcats.org) and we look forward to a great evening!
If you have any historical photos from the Woodlawn neighborhood that you would like to share for this event or to feature on the Woodlawn PTA page, please email them to Rachel Weicking, or you can send them to Andrea Porter Lopez.
Black Lives Matter parade on 2/5
The event was well attended and greatly appreciated by students and parents who participated. Check out videos of the event on KGW and in February 5th’s Wildcat Newsletter! A special thanks the students support the No Place for Hate group, along with Carissa Marquis, Ruth Tessema, Mary Evans and Tianna Sly.
Staff Appreciation – Brenda and Trista
The PTA prepared goodie bags for all Woodlawn staff members, which will be delivered to them next week in time for Valentine’s Day.
Kindness Week is 2/15 through 2/19 so we are encouraging families to add teacher appreciation messages and videos to the FlipGrid. https://flipgrid.com/5c066e93 Look out for more info in the upcoming newsletter.
Woodlawn Anti-Racism Groups for Parents and Caregivers – Laura Koch
Based on the interest survey, Meg and Laura will be hosting a virtual learning series. Everyone is welcome to join. Here are the details:
Every other Wednesdays from 7-8:00pm March – May
Save these dates: March 3, 17, 31; April 14, 28; May 12, 26
Goal – to increase our understanding about the history of racism and social justice in schools and to build our anti-racism skills.
- Mix of small and large group discussions.
- Each call will focus on an episode from the podcast, Integrated Schools.
- For our first session, we will discuss Episode 18. “Rucker Johnson and the Grandchildren of Desegregation.”
Please email Meg or Laura if you need language interpretation or have other questions and suggestions Megbusse@gmail.com or lauralouisekoch@gmail.com. This group is not affiliated with the PTA.
Family Directory – Rachel Wiecking
The PTA is doing a final push to collect student/family information for this year’s School Directory before February 26th. You can access the link on the PTA website, and students’ report cards contained a flyer with QR codes to access the directory. The directory is a resource to help families connect throughout the school year.
If you have already signed up for the directory, you do not need to sign up again until next year, when we begin to collect information for the 2021-22 school year.
Donation – Bethany Wofford
The PTA received another generous $5,000 donation this month. This is the second large gift we have received, likely as a result of the KGW series. This funding is going directly into the Woodlawn Community Resilience Fund. There is an uptick in needs within the school community, so we are very grateful to have funding to support our community.
Woodlawn PTA
March 9th Meeting
7:00-8:30 pm
Meeting Notes:
1.Principal’s Update – Andrea Porter Lopez
Update on the roll out of Hybrid went out in the Wednesday newsletter (see below)
What we’ve got now
- An amazing team at Woodlawn!
- Have built Great relationships
- We have safety protocols and equipment in the building
- We’ve had upgrades to faucets, handrails, speakers, video at front and back entrance
- A successful LIPI start
Hybrid roll out
- Will be AM/PM 2 hr 15 min sessions
- Coordinated across ALL K-5’s in PPS : 8-10:15 and 12:15-2:30. This is new for Woodlawn.
- Limited scope content: Social Emotional Learning, Reading/Writing/Phonics, Math
- All other supplemental services (e.g Individual learning support ESL, reading group services, speech, will all occur OUTSIDE of in-person experience.)
- CDL is an option for families; simulcast is not happening
- Air filters for each room in use
- Priority: We want to keep Woodlawn kids with Woodlawn teachers
- We have a high % of response and are building plans from those
- Transportation will not be changed from a regular year: i.e. just 2-3 stops
What we still need to know
- Which staff are returning to the building
- Any “answer changes” from families
- If the required sq ft per person changes, then we will have to adjust the capacity for groups and spaces.
- How/where lunch bags will be distributed (likely each day pick up at end of session)
- How direct student support will be provided , what safety protocols will be in place (this is specific to a small number of students)
- Chromebook access at school – since Woodlawn has deployed all their Chromebooks and want to limit what goes home and come back.
What we are working on now
- Entry/exit doors
- Stairwell patterns
- Staff contact tracing sheets/location protocols
- Specials schedule – grade level specials rather than by teachers to accommodate both Hybrid and CDL
- Communicating plans with staff, families, district
- Childcare Campfire
- Code of Color – Likely to be on pause for the rest of this year. Would be optional.
Campfire at Woodlawn – Jonathan Myers
- Camp Fire is working with Woodlawn Elementary to offer on-site child care during in-person, hybrid learning.
- We are waiting on PPS to share concrete information about our return and are hoping to offer 5-day a week programming from 10:15 am – 5:00 pm at Woodlawn
- Due to stable group requirements and state licensing child care guidelines, students participating in this program must register for all 5 days.
- We are currently building rate sheets and registration and will share specific information out when we have it.
- State-licensing allows for child care to work with 30 children at a time. If you’d like to join our registration list, please follow this link to our website to add yourself to the Woodlawn program list – registration fees will apply.
- This will not guarantee you a space in program, but will add you to the offer list based on the order you are added.
- Blaine, the previous site coordinator is coming back along with some of the other Campfire staff who were working at James John.
- Jonathan and Tianna are working together to figure out ways to provide support families.
- Please reach out to jmyers@campfirecolumbia.org with any questions! Registration documents are in English. Please let us know if you would like Spanish translation services to support you through the registration process.
Q&A re: Campfire
Q: Will Campfire use the same space (art building) at Woodlawn?
A: Jonathan will do a walk-through of the space prior to registration and will identify with the licensor how many students they can accommodate. They have also identified another space that they could work into at Woodlawn. Campfire has good health and safety guidelines – though our goal is not to hurry up and fill the program.
Q: When is the Campfire info night?
A: Jonathan will have more information the week of 3/15. You can reach out directly to Jonathan to make sure you get that update and meeting link.
Q: What happens to families who added their names to the Campfire waiting list last July? Are they already in the queue or is there a whole new process?
A: Campfire still has that waiting list. We will go through the list and make offers to families and families can decline or accept. We are happy to add more families to the list and will put them in as they enter. Families can donate the $55 registration fee or get a refund. If there is a hardship on that fee, email Jonathan.
Q: Does this add another layer to the stable group concept? How will that be addressed?
A: Yes. The Campfire group will be stable cohort – which is why you have to register all 5 days. The classroom is another cohort. So students in Campfire will be in two cohorts.
Jonathan: Campfire staff have to go through safety checks and work with the state on strict contact tracing.
Next steps
- Week of 3/15 – class meetings and asynchronous assignments only
- Getting rooms ready, moving needed materials to teaching spaces, working out the kinks for our routines, moving furniture and materials to clear spaces for capacity (hallways)
- Walkthrough’s with teachers for safety protocol review/practice
Woodlawn’s Communication Plan
- PTA meeting tonight to share an overview
- Newsletter Wednesday to share overview, including plan for limited live time next week
- Messenger notification Wednesday about changing CDL/hybrid response with link to newsletter piece for explanation
- Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Notifying families about AM/PM and teacher assignment for both hybrid and families remaining on CDL
- I will be asking families to not contact teachers about assignments but to contact Andrea or Katherine with questions.
Q&A with Principal Andrea Porter Lopez on Hybrid Roll out
Q: Are you going to make an effort to keep students from families in the same cohort?
A: Yes. Unless families have a different request.
Q: What is the process if you identify a positive case?
A: There is a screening and notification process that PPS will be sending to all families
Daily self-screening that we are asking parents to do.
Families will need to call the office if there is a possible exposure (going for a test).
Nurse Ethel will be on site every day and will lead on contact tracing – which will depend on the information we get reported from families.
Q: Are teachers choosing whether to teach CDL or in-person?
A: PPS is setting up protocols for teachers. (1) Come to work, (2) Take a leave, or (3) (in few cases) if there is a medical exemption that would put the staff ‘s health in jeopardy, they can be reassigned.
At Woodlawn – CDL will happen from the classroom. There is only one grade where the return rate is balanced so each teacher will teach one session of hybrid and one session of CDL.
In all other grades, there will be some reassignment of students to teachers.
We are keeping all Woodlawn students with Woodlawn teachers
So far, we have been able to keep Woodlawn students with a grade-level teacher
This may change.
Likely scenario: (For grades with 2 teachers)
One teacher will teach an am session of their own class and a mixed hybrid session
The other teacher will teach their own class hybrid and then CDL for both classes in the afternoon. It will be a 2 hr. 15 min live session with a teacher.
Teacher 1 Hybrid-own class CDL – All
Teacher 2 Hybrid-own class Hybrid – Mixed from both classes
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
No CDL or Hybrid on Wednesday. There will be asynchronous assignments on Wednesday.
So you come for hybrid there will be no CDL. However there will be asynchronous assignments and homework to complete.
Q: When will you know what teachers are coming back?
A: This is all part of the bargaining that is still happening between the District and the Teachers Union. This is when I will get the information about teachers and all other schools staff.
Q: If you end up in a cohort in the afternoon ,you would still get a live teaching session?
A: Hybrid will happen in the morning and afternoon. CDL will happen only one time – likely in the afternoon.
Q: If we opt for Campfire, then do we need to be in the morning cohort?
A: No, you don’t have to be in the morning Hybrid session to get into Campfire.
Likely Schedule would be:
10:15 – Enter Campfire & eat lunch
12:15 – Walk over to Hybrid class
2:30 – 5:00 – Walk back to Campfire
Q: Can Andrea share what % of the school staff have been vaccinated?
A: It doesn’t have to be reported to the school or the district. It has been offered to 100% of the school staff.
Q: When you call to give assignments, you’ll let us know what classrooms to go to?
A: Yes, families will get the classroom #. There have been a lot of changes. Families are not allowed in the building.
Q: Are there any other safety things that have been a cost issue that the PTA could help with? Extra masks?
A: Andrea has not heard about any specific unmet needs. Safety protocols include keeping the windows open. Andrea has extra masks for students/adults, wipes, hand sanitizers, materials for the symptom space, gowns and gloves and face shields. Staff have access to all this.
Q: Will families be given a preference for the am or pm session?
A: No, unfortunately. There is not enough time to incorporate parent preference. In the fall, if we come back Hybrid (which Andrea thinks is likely) then family preference can be taken into consideration.
Q: Is the last day of school June 11th?
A: Not sure.
Q: Will the kids have recess and what will it look like?
A: There will be 1 brain break per day. There are 3 outdoor spaces – 1 class will be allowed in the space at a time. It will be a structured recess, so students will be spread out with options on what they can do. But it’s won’t be a super social time. Students won’t be sharing equipment or sharing space with each other.
Q: Will the playgrounds be available after school?
A: Yes, unless a group (like Campfire has a permit). PPS is starting to issue permits for playgroup use.
Q: What will bathroom breaks look like?
A: There will be designated restrooms per pod. The capacity will be the number of stalls in each bathroom (2 or 3) with a waiting space outside. This is a new routine we will need to teach students and teaches. We may need bathroom monitors at different times of day.
Q: Are there situations where the entire class would have to stay home? Or the entire school would have to go back to CDL?
A: Yes and Yes. We are using OHA guidance through our partnership with MESD (provides nursing and oversight from the district). This includes a tiered approach “if this then this”. It does include a class needing to quarantine and a school needing to quarantine. It is all built into the districts safety protocol, which are all available on the PPS website. If we have to go back to CDL, it would look different and would be a band aid.
Q: Will their still be specials next week?
A: Next week, the limited schedule will be a 30 minute class meeting and specials and LIPI will stay on schedule.
Q: When will the final decision be made about code of color?
A: The message will go out next week (3/15)
Note: The PTA has a good stock of Woodlawn tee shirts if families need them. We also got a new stock of Black Lives Matter tee shirts.
Q: What will drop off look like?
A: We are still working on this to spread out entry points. We will make sure we give clear information about those sorts of routines that happen outside the building. It is going to take time to students in and out of the building. Specific grades will have assigned entry/exit points.
Q: Will students need to be there early? Is that part of the 2 hrs. and 15 minutes?
A: It will mostly be part of the 2 hrs. 15 minutes, with 7 minutes leeway beforehand. It will be very dialed to a specific time when the door can be opened.
Q: Is there anything parents can do to help?
A: Once things are figured out and rolling, there will be opportunities for shared responsibility and helping families…the timing is hard, especially for families that have to drive both ways. Materials delivery has taken a lot of people power….so there will be opportunities to help down the line.
Q: Can we designate another parent to pick up our student?
A: Yes – if you are listed through CYNERGY (system them use)
Q: If you are in a Hybrid cohort but need to quarantine – can you log into CDL?
A: This has come up – the district has not put out an answer to this. The school will likely have to come up with an option to this, which is probably having them join the CDL group temporarily.
Thank you to Andrea, Katherine and the Woodlawn Staff for all their work on this.
2.Woodlawn History Night recap
The event was a great success! Special thanks to Mr. Clegg as the emcee and the speakers Mr. Clegg, Mr. Lowery, Mr. Philips, Ms. Anjala, Mr. Haggerty. Over 117 people joined the call including former teachers and students. A recording of the event, along with the slides and a set of resources to learn more about Woodlawn is posted on the Woodlawn PTA.
3.Fundraising/ budget update
Reminder: Sparky’s Pizza tomorrow! – March 10th Order online to give Woodlawn credit.
Spring Plant Sale planning
Digital flier will be sent out the week of 3/15
All the ordering will go through our website (thank you Tracy Little!)
March 17 – Sale starts
April 9 is the last day to submit orders online
Extended deadline for kindergarten families
May 7th – Pick up at the school. Sign up for a time slot
For a paper order form – just let us know. There will be a donate-a-plant option as well. Stay tuned for more info.
5th Grade Graduation planning – Mary Cadien
Tianna and Mary are looking for ideas and people who might want to help form a committee to make this year’s 5th grade graduation special this year.
Possible idea: Family celebration…? Parade?
HP Month of Giving Program
Nonprofits (and the PTA could apply) can apply to HP for a grant, up to $10,000 if we can propose an activity, that incorporates HP volunteers and technology. We will stay in touch on this idea.
Staff Appreciation Week planning – 1st week of May
Looking for ideas and volunteers to help with this.
Anti-Racism Parent Group -Update & Reminder
This is not a group associated with the PTA. We are meeting every other Wednesday from 7:00-8:00. The 2nd meeting is Wednesday 3/17. An announcement and Zoom link will go out in this week’s newsletter with the episode from The Integrated Schools podcast. You are welcome to join even if you weren’t at the first session or haven’t had a chance to listen to the episode.
PTA succession planning
Elections for officers and chairs will be in May. We didn’t have elections last year since everything was up in the air and everyone agreed to stay on, and we were able to fill a few vacant positions. We will have a number of option positions for next year, so please start thinking about it. Feel free to reach out to Amy or Mary with any questions about time commitment/level of engagement etc.
Thank you all!
Woodlawn PTA Meeting Notes April 13, 2021
PRINCIPAL’S UPDATE – Andrea Porter-Lopez
Hybrid Instruction started on April 5th
Quick stats:
- AM – 14 in-person classes (130 students) and 7 CDL classes
- PM – 10 in-person (85 students) and 3 CDL classes
- 90 students in CDL (combined am/pm)
- 6 teachers teaching via simulcast (teaching in-person and CDL classes at the same time)
It’s been great to have kids back in the building – they are filling the spaces with their chatter and energy
The 6 different entrances and exits are working well
What are Wednesdays like?
- All students have a 45-minute live class meeting
- All specials Art, Music & PE post asynchronous assignments on Wednesday
- This is in addition to any homework assigned by the teachers that day
When will we know what school will be like in the fall?
- There is a PPS Board meeting tonight (4/13) – so we could expect some indication soon. See update on Fox12 news from Superintendent Guadalupe Guerrero posted on 4/15
Will there be a summer school program?
- There will be summer schools set up at hubs along with, food distribution, counselors, education assistance etc.
- Woodlawn is not on the list to be a hub.
- MLK Elementary and Faubion Elementary are the closest hub schools.
- Woodlawn will be able to refer students to that summer school.
- Principal Porter-Lopez will send out information as soon as its available
When will we know more about middle school transition (Ockley Green)?
- News about middle school will go out around the same time as the summer school announcement
- Typically staff from Ockley Green come over to talk to the students in May
- For hybrid, the Ockley Green staff may join class meetings to talk more about middle school
- The 2nd annual spring plant sale is happening now
- Orders are due by Thursday 4/15
- May 7th is the plant pick up day.
- Veggie starts, tomatoes, zucchini, planters and hanging baskets are available
- Please use the online ordering system through Woodlawnwildcats.org
- Proceeds of the sale will go towards the PTA fund, which is used to support teachers with their in-classroom needs, field trips. Funds will also be applied toward the Woodlawn Community Resilience Fund to support families who have fallen are hard times due to job loss during COVID
- Virtual SUN is starting on Monday 4/19 through May
- Instructions to sign up through SEI will be sent in the Wednesday newsletter
- There is still discussion about a possible event to close out and celebrate the year.
- Considering pushing it to the beginning of next year as a kick off to next year celebration
- Ms. Porter-Lopez will work with the 5th grade class to brainstorm ideas for graduation
- No Place for Hate students will also be asked if they have ideas
- The PTA is happy to support
- For the return to Hybrid the PTA supported few things to welcome staff back into the building
- Families dropped off treats, snacks, drinks to share with teachers
- The PTA set up a coffee cart for families dropping off their students Thurs, Friday, Monday and Tuesday on the first days back
Suggestions for the upcoming Staff Appreciation Week:
- Hire a professional coffee cart or Italian soda cart
- Send notes home so kids can write them to teachers and bring them back in
- Send goody bags
- Bring treats again
- In past years the PTA paid for at least one catered lunch and had breakfast spreads or dessert spreads on at least 3 other days (supported by SUN school and a neighborhood church)
- Elections to fill vacating positions will be held at the next PTA meeting on May 11th
- Amy Fauver will be stepping down as President and there will also be other officer and committee roles to fill
- The PTA will announce the open roles and elections in the upcoming school newsletters
- If you are interested in any roles or want to talk to any existing PTA members for their perspective, please reach out
Merchandise – Tracy Little
- Tee shirt sales are going well – will deliver by Friday
- You can order tee shirts online through the PTA website
- Tracy is delivering all merch
- $5 for kids, $10 for Adults
- We have Wildcat and BLM tee shirts
- Sweatshirts are a pre-order item – we like to get 25 items in before we place an order
- Looking to combine coffee and merch sales on Fridays when possible
Notas de la reunión de Woodlawn PTA 13 de abril de 2021
La instrucción híbrida comenzó el 5 de abril
Estadísticas rápidas:
- AM – 14 clases presenciales (130 estudiantes) y 7 clases de CDL
- PM – 10 en persona (85 estudiantes) y 3 clases de CDL
- 90 estudiantes en CDL (combinado am / pm)
- 6 profesores que enseñan a través de transmisión simultánea (imparten clases presenciales y de CDL al mismo tiempo)
Ha sido genial tener a los niños de regreso en el edificio: están llenando los espacios con su charla y energía
Las 6 entradas y salidas diferentes funcionan bien
¿Cómo son los miércoles?
- Todos los estudiantes tienen una reunión de clase en vivo de 45 minutos
- Todas las ofertas especiales de Arte, Música y Educación Física publican asignaciones asincrónicas el miércoles
- Esto es adicional a cualquier tarea asignada por los maestros ese día.
¿Cuándo sabremos cómo será la escuela en el otoño?
Hay una reunión de la Junta de PPS esta noche (4/13), por lo que podríamos esperar alguna indicación pronto. Vea la actualización de las noticias de Fox12 de la Superintendente Guadalupe Guerrero publicada el 15/4
¿Habrá un programa de escuela de verano?
- Habrá escuelas de verano establecidas en centros junto con distribución de alimentos, consejeros, asistencia educativa, etc.
- Woodlawn no está en la lista para ser un centro.
- MLK Elementary y Faubion Elementary son las escuelas centrales más cercanas.
- Woodlawn podrá recomendar a los estudiantes a esa escuela de verano.
- La directora Porter-Lopez enviará información tan pronto como esté disponible.
¿Cuándo sabremos más sobre la transición a la escuela intermedia (Ockley Green)?
- Las noticias sobre la escuela intermedia saldrán aproximadamente al mismo tiempo que el anuncio de la escuela de verano.
- Normalmente, el personal de Ockley Green viene a hablar con los estudiantes en mayo.
- Para híbridos, el personal de Ockley Green puede unirse a las reuniones de clase para hablar más sobre la escuela secundaria.
- La segunda venta anual de plantas de primavera está sucediendo ahora
- Los pedidos vencen el jueves 15 de abril.
- El 7 de mayo es el día de recogida de plantas.
- Se encuentran disponibles verduras, tomates, calabacines, macetas y cestas colgantes.
- Utilice el sistema de pedidos en línea a través de Woodlawnwildcats.org
- Las ganancias de la venta se destinarán al fondo de la PTA, que se utiliza para ayudar a los maestros con sus necesidades en el aula, excursiones. Los fondos también se aplicarán al Fondo de Resiliencia Comunitaria de Woodlawn para apoyar a las familias que han caído en tiempos difíciles debido a la pérdida de empleo durante COVID.
- Virtual SUN comienza el lunes 4/19 hasta mayo
- Las instrucciones para registrarse a través de SEI se enviarán en el boletín del miércoles.
- Aún se discute un posible evento para cerrar y celebrar el año.
- Considerando llevarlo a principios del próximo año como inicio para la celebración del próximo año
- La Sra. Porter-Lopez trabajará con la clase de quinto grado para intercambiar ideas para la graduación.
- A los estudiantes de No Place for Hate también se les preguntará si tienen ideas.
- La PTA se complace en apoyar
- Para el regreso a Hybrid, la PTA apoyó algunas cosas para dar la bienvenida al personal al edificio.
- Las familias dejaron golosinas, bocadillos y bebidas para compartir con los maestros.
- La PTA instaló un carrito de café para las familias que dejan a sus estudiantes los jueves, viernes, lunes y martes en los primeros días de regreso.
Sugerencias para la próxima Semana de agradecimiento al personal:
- Contrata un carrito de café profesional o un carrito de refrescos italiano
- Envíe notas a casa para que los niños puedan escribirlas a los maestros y traerlas de regreso
- Enviar bolsas de regalos
- Trae golosinas de nuevo
- En los últimos años, la PTA pagó por lo menos un almuerzo con servicio de catering y consumió productos para untar para el desayuno o postres durante al menos otros 3 días (con el apoyo de la escuela SUN y una iglesia del vecindario)
- Recaudadores de fondos anuales
- Venta de plantas de primavera
- 2019: $ 1,912
- 2021: 2.450 $ (objetivo)
- Fondo de resiliencia comunitaria 2020-2021:
- Total recaudado $ 20,316
- Total desembolsado $ 11,240
- Saldo $ 9,076
- Recaudación de fondos general:
- Venta de pastel = $ 877
- Apelación de invierno = $ 3,350
- Noche de historia de Woodlawn = $ 3,235
- ($ 1,000 para la graduación del quinto grado y todo lo demás al fondo de resiliencia)
- Las elecciones para cubrir los puestos vacantes se llevarán a cabo en la próxima reunión de la PTA el 11 de mayo.
- Amy Fauver dejará el cargo de presidenta y también habrá otras funciones de oficiales y comités que desempeñar.
- La PTA anunciará las funciones abiertas y las elecciones en los próximos boletines escolares.
- Si está interesado en algún papel o desea hablar con algún miembro de la PTA existente para conocer su perspectiva, comuníquese con
Mercancía – Tracy Little
- Las ventas de camisetas van bien; se entregarán el viernes.
- Puede pedir camisetas en línea a través del sitio web de la PTA
- Tracy está entregando todos los productos
- $ 5 para niños, $ 10 para adultos
- Disponemos de camisetas Wildcat y BLM
- Las sudaderas son un artículo de pedido anticipado; nos gusta recibir 25 artículos antes de realizar un pedido
- Buscando combinar las ventas de café y merchandising los viernes cuando sea posible
Woodlawn Elementary
PTA Meeting
May 11, 2021
Principal’s update – Andrea Porter Lopez
1.Staff appreciation last week
Staff expressed how well cared for they felt, “spoiled”
Loved having food and special things each day
Coffee cart and ice cream cart (double thumbs up) were a hit.
Staff also agreed that homemade food is the best!
2.Incoming Kindergarten Event – Wednesday 5/19
Woodlawn will be hosting an event for incoming Kindergarten families on the North Playground. It will include lots of activities for both students and parents.
10:00 -12:00 pm drop-in
Volunteers needed:
- Set up (4 people at 9:00 am)
- Breakdown (4 people at 12:00 pm)
- Q&A – 2 people needed throughout the event to answer questions for incoming/prospective parents
3.End of year celebrations for 5th grade graduates
- Field Day- Thursday & Friday, June 10 and 11th Staff will do a clap out for the 5th graders at the am and pm session on that Friday.
- Brooke Lipscomb will take informal pictures of all the 5th graders for the lawn signs, to create a lawn sign garden the last week of school
- 5th graders are designing a t-shirt. Submissions are in and students will be voting on the design next week.
- Woodlawn will be doing a “honk out” for the 5th graders on the last day of school after the last session. Each 5th grader will decorate a square on the sidewalk where they will stand with anything they want to have with them for the honk out.
4.Summer School – 2021
Summer School is not happening at Woodlawn this summer. The district has created HUB schools. Faubion is Woodlawn’s HUB School for rising 2nd-5th graders. There will be no summer school options for rising K and 1st graders.
Summer HUB at Faubion
8:30-3:30 pm
- Start date July 19 – August 6 (3 weeks). Families must commit to all 3 weeks
- 1st half of the day will be academic support
- The second half of the day is run by SUN – shared by SEI and Parks & Recreation.
- Summer lunch program and Food Pantry will be held at Faubion
- Woodlawn has 12 seats per grade reserved.
- Teachers are prioritizing students by identified need and will contact families to offer them a spot. Notification to families will start next week 5/17
- There will be a few Woodlawn staff at the HUB
- Families should know they have not gotten a spot the week of June 1st.
Campfire is working to have a full-day (7 am – 6 pm) fee-based program at Woodlawn all summer, since they already have the space approved. They should have registration information in the next 2 weeks. Likely to include a lot of walking field trips, day-camp style.
5.Traffic safety question
PBOT did a safety analysis of MLK crossings 3 years ago and published the findings 2 years ago.
An island was added on Holland – which was the only change that resulted.
Principal Lopez has a contact (Lale Santelices) and will share it with Megan Lewis to follow up.
6.2021-22 School Year Schedule
PPS has committed to having student/staff return in person in the fall.
Andrea Porter Lopez is staying open to the possibility that school may start in some alternative form, depending on where the County is in terms of COVID cases. She expects we will be back to full in-person within the first 9 weeks of the school year.
The temporary contract that was signed with the teachers union upon return to hybrid expires on the last day that teachers work this school year and then it reverts back to the original contract.
Fundraising/ budget update – Bethany and Luretta
Classic Food Fundraiser – Amy Fauver
Last weekend in June (Thurs. – Sunday)
More information will be sent out through the newsletter and social media.
Merchandise Update – Tracy Little
- Planning over the summer to plan for the start of school
- Reconsider Square – to make it easier to manage
- Training a few other merch volunteers to take over when her rising 5th grader leaves the school next year
- Wildcat image is the most popular, BLM second
- Goal is to price the adult items to cover the cost of the youth merchandise. We may want to run some reports to double check and adjust if needed.
PTA Board Elections
President – Rachel Elder elected
Vice President – postponed election to the fall
Co-Treasurer – postponed election to the fall
Community Engagement Chair – postponed election to the fall.
Staff Appreciation Co-Chair– postponed election to the fall. Bettina is interested and looking for a strong co-chair.
Fundraising Chair – Bethany W. elected
- The PTA will work to spread the word about these open roles for the fall
- The May meeting is the last PTA meeting of the year. The PTA Board will continue to meet to plan for the start of next school year.
Key Dates to coordinate with the school:
- July 1 – Submit important dates (PTA meetings, events) to get on the master calendar (hardcopy or electronic, will depend)
- Planning for back to school should happen in June or August since Woodlawn Staff are required to take their vacation in July
Help us energize the PTA!
Join the board, sign up for a committee or start something new
There is no official membership process for the PTA. All are welcome at the monthly PTA Meeting / Parent Meet-Up, and everyone is invited to participate at the level that works for them. If you’re interested in joining the board or a committee, let us know. We’re happy to share the information we have and look forward to hearing your questions and ideas.
PTA BOARD 2023-2024
Rebecca Hillary
Dan Abernathy
Adrienne Howard
Andy Furgeson
Charis Deutsch
Luretta Tinnon
Becca Snyder and Sarah Euteneier
Open! Let us know if you can help here.
Sarah Medeiros
Alexis Clark
Katie Heider
Are you interested in a vacant board or committee chair position? Or maybe you would like to volunteer on a committee but don’t have time to be the lead? We would love your help, and to hear your ideas for new actions or structures to ensure the PTA works for all Wildcat families.
Staff Appreciation Committee
We plan events and actions to communicate our appreciation for the work of Woodlawn’s teachers and staff.
Communications Committee
We keep the Woodlawn school community informed about PTA meetings, events, and volunteer opportunities through a variety of channels.
Merchandising Committee
We support our Wildcats by selling affordable t-shirts, hoodies, yard signs and even face coverings.
Events Committee
We plan and execute community-building events like Woodlawn Night Out, Movie Nights, and Celebrate Woodlawn.
Fundraising Committee
We come up with creative ways to raise money to support Woodlawn students and families. We coordinate sales of pies and plants, and set up options for you to donate where you eat, shop and play!
contact us at: WoodlawnSchoolPTA@gmail.com